Future of Houses: What Will They Be Like?

Abel Hinchliffe
Future of Houses: What Will They Be Like?

As technology continues to advance, houses are becoming increasingly futuristic. So, what does the future of houses actually look like?

The developments in house design, type of materials and energy efficiency are what houses of the future will focus on. Homeowners will feel much more connected to their homes by using digital technology and becoming more involved in their design.

In this post, we’ll look at 9 advancements that will shape the future of houses.

1. Smart lighting

You don’t have to look into the future for lighting trends, as smart lighting is already a very popular feature in homes. But the lighting industry is expected to develop even further with long-lasting LEDs and the ability to customise designs and functions.

2. Alternative heating systems

Typical hot air systems will be replaced with cleaner and more efficient alternatives. For example, radiant floor heating which generates heat from the floor to provide even distribution throughout the house. Solar-powered heating and air-source heat pumps will also become increasingly popular as they use renewable energy to heat your home.

3. Technology for health and safety

Smart healthcare technology is used regularly in the workplace. But did you know that it is being developed for the home as well? Your smart home could have bed sensors to detect ill health or flooring can detect if someone has had a fall and alert the right people. The possibilities are endless for this type of tech.

4. Electric cars

Great for the environment and the bank account (long-term), electric cars are growing in popularity. Each house of the future will need an electric charging point – or multiple.

5. Modular homes

Known as factory-built homes, these types of houses look likely to become a future trend. Built off-site and then transferred to your preferred location, they are convenient and cost-effective. They utilise space creatively and make less of an impact on the environment.   

6. Layout

There are many benefits of open-plan living and this trend has only increased in popularity. Having a spacious and bright living area can positively affect your mental health and give opportunities for unique and creative designs.

7. Home offices

Hybrid working has become a popular new norm since the covid pandemic. When surveyed, 84% of workers reported plans to split their working hours between home and the office. So, houses in the future are more likely to incorporate a space for home working into their design.

8. Advanced security systems

Over the next 10 years, the average home will be fitted out with security cameras, as well as an integrated emergency response system. Many homeowners already have a security camera, lights and alarm on their property. But as security systems develop, advanced features will become more affordable and appealing to the average homeowner.

9. Alternative building materials

Homes of the future will generate much less waste as they will be made from recycled or easily renewable materials. Bamboo, in particular, will be used a lot more for its eco-friendly and durable properties.

Design your unique home with CODA Bespoke

If you want to build a home for the future, CODA Bespoke can help. Our experienced architects design new build homes drawing on all the latest practices, technology and materials, so you have a home that’s future-proof and highly functional.

Want to find out more? Contact our friendly team today on 01142794931 or email hello@codabespoke.co.uk.

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Abel Hinchliffe

With a wealth of experience Abel heads up CODA Bespoke, specialising in luxury residential developments both large and small. Recently entrusted with the responsibility of also heading up Studio 4 which is currently delivering numerous office to residential developments. Connect with Abel Hinchliffe on LinkedIn >

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